Kinesiology links Chinese methods of energy flow found in acupuncture with muscle testing, stress management and diet. Muscle testing assesses the energy in the meridians, organs and is combined with a range of techniques and nutrition to releases blockages and promote healing to re-educate the whole being physically, mentally, emotionally and structurally to improve overall health and remedy the root cause of any challenging issues.When muscles are tested the results reveal vital information about the individual difficult to determine by any other methods. Many aspects or the health and physiological functions of the person being tested are assessed quickly.
The feedback directly from the body indicates what's required to alleviate the presenting symptoms, but more importantly the underlying cause. Kinesiology restores health simply & efficiently to enhance the body's natural ability to heal, & recover. Food sensitivities may be involved, presenting many symptoms, that are easily detected. You will get a follow up nutritional plan which may include supplements & remedies as they greatly assist in a speedy return to well-being to ensure good health is easily maintained. They are an important and valuable part of the investment in your own well-being and are charged separately, You are guaranteed to say and feel Wow!
So Powerful It Fixes Almost Everything!
Testimonial- Kinesiology made me much healthier, confident. I Have more energy than I can ever remember, and my life has honestly never been better-truly amazing! Thanks Joy.
D. Russell, Quantity Surveyor
Food Sensitivity Testing
A sensitivity is a food or other substance that has a general weakening or debilitating effect on the body. Symptoms arise as the body’s way of communicating that it cannot currently handle these things. Sensitivities can also profoundly affect psychological & emotional well-being. So, it is of immense benefit to detect and identify them. Usually, after cutting down or eliminating them for a period of time, combined with kinesiology treatments, nutritional supplements and emotional remedies the body, mind and emotions will strengthen then regain, sufficient health to incorporate the food/ substance again at a level the body can cope with. This is accurately diagnosed with muscle testing to accurately find the correct balance for your unique system.
Reiki is a Japanese word for "Universal Life
Energy" the vital force which flows through the body giving it the energy and power to live and be healthy. When we are children this energy flows freely through our bodies, we are bursting with enthusiasm, health and vitality. However, as we become adults and burdened by stresses and strains (physical, mental, emotional) of everyday life, the flow of live, vibrant energy can slow down or become blocked leading to tiredness, apathy, depression or eventually may lead to ill health.
When a Reiki treatment is received the levels of "Universal Life Energy" are boosted and strengthened. This benefits the body, mind, emotions and spirit as blockages are released. The body itself determines how much energy is required to regain health and balance. You simply lie on a treatment couch, fully clothed and just relax. I then place my hands in various positions over your body, in some areas being treated you may feel a pleasant warmth, movement, coolness or tingling sensation. This is positive Reiki energy healing and revitalising your whole being on every level you require.
As stress, anxiety or tension are released you will receive exactly what you need and feel more relaxed, calm and peaceful. The Ultimate In Healing And Rejuvenating!
Testimonial: - Reiki was the answer to 7 years of physical, mental & emotional suffering. I've now trained with Joy to Reiki Master level so I can heal others as well as myself. Heartfelt thanks.
A. Lang, Nurse, Glasgow.
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is a relaxing massage for the head, face, shoulders, neck and upper back. It helps to detox your body and calm your mind while stimulating the feel-good factor to promote a sense of peace, upliftment, clarity and focus.
As well as balancing the nervous system and stimulating the immune system it also relieves stress, muscle pain, headaches and assists with hair growth, alertness, concentration, improved circulation and overall health and regeneration. An Absolute Must to Recharge Your Batteries!
Testimonial: - I am feeling super awe-so-me and all is well. You are an amazing angel Joy. Thank you so much.
D. Carey, Holistic Therapist
Empowerment Coaching/Life Guidance Mentoring
Joy will support and intuitively guide you by Skype or telephone to feel inspired and be motivated to maximise your full potential by taking positive action to achieve and attain your goals to live and love you best life now.
Rights Of The Womb
The rites of the womb is a beautiful energetic transmission that connects you to your divine feminine energy. It clears past pain, trauma and suffering. It acts like a powerful catalyst enlivening your spiritual nature creating a fertile place to transcend from the old into the glorious and rewarding new, as you become consciously aware of your own power to heal and purify both yourself and the world around you.
All the above treatments have been known to benefit and provide relief from a wide range of conditions including: